One Person Can Move Mountains

One Person Can Move Mountains
One Person

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finding Time

I'm finding it hard to find time when the weather is horrible. It's raining cats and dogs or it's super windy. I don't want to run when the weather is intense because I feel it in my bones even worst. The day after and the day after that. It's harder to just get up and go after a long run that has horrible weather.

I think I'm starting to find that I can run longer with out pain. This is nice until the run is done and my knees start to bother me.

I have been trying to drink more water but it's hard. It's boring. I cleaned this house from top to bottom this weekend. So finding inspiration in running is a challenge. I think if I look on line at music videos and see the body types I want then that might get me in the groove.

I also got a special treat from world's best fience today. He got me a running Rebox dry fit shirt. It's black and longer. I will have to try it out tonight. I will be trying to do my big run tomorrow when the weather is nice.

Famous quote:

The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary.

Thomas A. Edison
1847-1931, American Inventor, Entrepreneur, Founder of GE

Monday, April 5, 2010


Whooooooooooooot Whoooooooot.

I ran on the windies day of the year. It was the hardest run ever by the end. I did find that the wind pushed me even harder and faster when I was coming back. It was pretty good. I ran like the wind.

I picked up a new water bottle carrier that goes around my waist and it holds my MP3. Super great. I also got new running pants because the middle of my pants were falling apart. They are four years old. It was time.


Run like the wind. Nike.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Sun is burning.

I had my birthday yesterday and stayed up a little late. Then from there I knew that I am going to get my WEDDING DRESS tonight. So I knew that I wouldn't get a run in. I went this morning and it was wonderful.

Run, run, and run. It makes you feel wonderful and motivated.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Running and running

I feel like my evenings are boring. We always have something or the other person isn't home. Our timetable is off. I don't want to do school work. I don't even want to look at it to be truthful. I need to get things organized but my work is so busy and I'm not into school life right now.

The weather is so beautiful. I just want it to stay like this. It's perfect running weather. Today I was machine though. I biked for 30 mins. then I ran for 3 miles. Then I went for a walk with a great friend and her dog. It was really nice.

Quote: Great friends are great.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Finding Time

Finding time to run and then write is very time consuming. I have been running but at odd times and there has been no routine. I've ran in the morning and then I've ran in the evening. I'm on a new time table and new work hours. Everything is seeming to be a lot easier and I've noticed that I'm not in hyper drive like I use to be. I'm feeling like I'm becoming a little lazy. I will sleep in and then I'm just sorta lax-a-daisy about everything.

Today I ran my 5mile. It hurt at first because I didn't run for two days. My shines hurt and my legs. I ran around the country block. By the end I was not wanting to stop. My music was changed up and I was in the groove. I came home and I took Dora to the park. This was sorta like her long walk. The weather has been horrible for outdoor activities. The snow is slowly going and we have some grass.

Today was super windy. If I don't wear my hoodies over my head and ears I get an ear infection. I think Sunday's are the best days for long runs. I did my ten min. running and then my 1 min. walking. I don't want to over do it. I just want to finish this marathon. Then on the next one I will rock it and make it to Boston. I just want to run Boston once in my life.

Massy is a qualifier for Boston. Even if we do it this year that would be a big enough goal. I am really hoping this nice weather that's coming will help with me keeping on routine.

I'm going dress shopping in the middle of April and I am hoping that I have at least toned up a little. I'm going to keep to my running.

Remember when your running, look up and around at the world....because if you keep your head down your missing out on the beauty. If you trip on a rock and fall... you were meant to fall and take a break and look around at what your missing.

Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

~ Quoted By: Albert Einstein ~